The Same Tune From Twitter

Jack Dorsey (and FB COO Sheryl Sandberg) were asked a few questions today in front of the Senate Intelligence committee, as part of investigations into foreign interferrence ops on social media.

The statement is the typical bullshit we hear from Twitter, and specifically from @jack, all the time:

  • We’re so important to the world
  • We know Twitter has problems
  • Look at everything we’re doing to fix it

Foreign influence ops are not the same problem as the toxic dunk culture that drove me away from Twitter, but this is the same old tune that Twitter execs hum for every problem they have.

Eventually we have to realize that **Twitter doesn’t actually put all that much thought into what’s going wrong with their platform.**They’re stuck on finding ways to deflect from bad attention without displeasing their investors, and so incredibly afraid to change anything on the platform that might anger the cash cow.